The Fiercely Awakening Podcast

The Fiercely Awakening Podcast

Hosted by: Tonya Holcomb, Naturopathic Doctor

Hello, and welcome to the Fiercely Awakening podcast. My name is Dr. Tonya Holcomb, and I’m on a mission to normalize naturopathy in big, bold ways. I want you to see the world through my eyes, where extraordinary...

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Episode 89: Never Enough Time?

Does it feel like you never have enough time? Or, perhaps, the older you get, the faster time goes. Or, maybe, you spend a lot of energy thinking or wishing you were further ahead. In today’s episode, let’s get...
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Episode 88: Self-Sabotage

Recognizing the ways you self-sabotage is a huge part of doing the work. This is how your subconscious mind will try to communicate with you.  No matter how long you’ve been on this journey, forms of self-sabotage can...
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Episode 87: The Messiness of Decision Making

Let’s be real. Making decisions is a massive part of life. Every day, all day, we are decision-making machines.  Where we struggle most is with making the decisions that align to our biggest desires. We tend to sit on...
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Episode 86: Deepening: Frequency First

In today's episode, we dive deeper into what it means to truly embody leading your life with a higher Frequency First. I share with you seven real-life examples of how you can leverage Frequency to move you forward in...
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Episode 85: Frequency First

What Frequency are you in as you lead your life? What Frequency are you in when you're making health choices? Is it the Frequency of Fear? Because what you fear, you multiply. In today’s episode, I share with...
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Episode 84: Getting Real About Your Stress

When we want to reduce our stress levels, we often do things like meditating, going for a walk or taking a hot bath. And while all of these are great, they actually don’t get to the “root” of truly increasing our...
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Episode 83: Should You Be Afraid of Ticks?

It’s that time of year, when your social media pages are reminding you daily to be vigilant when it comes to ticks. Should you be afraid? What action should you take if a tick bites you? In today’s episode, I share...
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Episode 82: What Is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a philosophy, art and science that recognizes the body’s inherent processes of healing. In fact, it’s the oldest form of healing, dating back thousands of years. Many people don’t realize that the...
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Episode 81: Extraordinarily So, Part 3

How do you know if the decision you’re making is for your highest good or if it's rooted in fear?  In today’s episode, part three of the Extraordinarily So series, I share with you: How to make truly aligned...
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Episode 80: Extraordinarily So, Part 2

Are you ready to trust that life loves you? In today’s episode, I dive into part two of the Extraordinarily So series and invite you to get into the flow of life and tap into the frequency of your highest...
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Episode 79: Extraordinarily So, Part 1

An abundance of support is all around you. All the time.Eagerly awaiting to guide you on the path of extraordinary living. So many signs are there. That you are safe.That you are in the right place.Exactly where you...
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Episode 78: The Value of an HTMA & Custom Cleansing Protocols

Do you feel like you’re on a constant merry-go-round with your health? Or maybe you’re doing all the work, but you feel like you’re only making micro gains. In today’s episode, I’m joined by Hillary Spendow, a member...
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