Work with me!

Fiercely Empowered Mama

Are you ready to join me on an incredible, yearlong journey, where I teach you everything you need to know about raising your children naturally?

If you're ready to tackle the bad behavior, the cavities, the picky eating, the constipation — whatever it is that frustrates you — we've got you covered!

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Naturopathic Guidance for Fertility, Conception, Pregnancy & Postpartum Care.
FEMbabes is dedicated to awakening your responsibility and power… It’s time that we reclaim the optimal health that all future generations deserve.
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Cleansing Circle

Imagine in just a few months…
You effortlessly embrace nourishment, movement, cleansing, lifestyle and by doing so have dramatic shifts of healing.
You experience momentum with your health goals. You feel vibrant, energetic and clear-headed.
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