The Fiercely Awakening Podcast

The Fiercely Awakening Podcast

Hosted by: Tonya Holcomb, Naturopathic Doctor

Hello, and welcome to the Fiercely Awakening podcast. My name is Dr. Tonya Holcomb, and I’m on a mission to normalize naturopathy in big, bold ways. I want you to see the world through my eyes, where extraordinary...

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Episode 77: The Power of Epigenetics

Your DNA is not your Destiny. Every day, you have a tremendous say in what genes you're dampening and what genes you're activating. YOU ARE IN CHARGE. In today's episode, I challenge you to fully embody the power of...
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Episode 76: Whack-a-Mole

Isn’t it wild that we live in a time when we’re meant to just accept that our health is going to go downhill and the only answer is medication? But what happens when you take medication? Or what happens when you try...
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Episode 75: Behind the Scenes of My Current Self-Care Routines

As I'm certain you know by now, self-care is a very big deal for me. And I hope I’ve inspired you to make it a very big deal for you, too! I’ve learned — the hard way — that the more I serve and the greater my reach...
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Episode 74: 7 Sneaky Reasons Your Weight Loss Efforts Are Being Sabotaged

Do you feel like your metabolism has taken a nose dive, and you can’t lose weight no matter what you do? In today’s episode, I share with you 7 sneaky reasons why this is happening and the bigger perspective of the...
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Episode 73: Disrupting Patterns 101

Have you created goals for yourself — your life — but find yourself seemingly stuck in the same ole story? You know the saying, “Different day, same story.” Maybe you’ve tried using some of the many healing modalities...
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Episode 72: I Get To

Are you often moving through your day, from one to-do to another, in the energy of all the things you have on your list? Do you notice that the more you have to do, the faster time goes by? In today’s episode, I share...
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Episode 71: Number One Dream Buster

It’s good to have desires. It’s good to WANT more in life. It’s important to have dreams and ambitions. When you’re in pursuit of your dreams, you’ll revel in inspiration all around you. It feels powerful and...
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Episode 70: Love Notes From Your Body, Plus the Many Ways to Work Together in 2023

What does it really mean to love yourself? Why does it matter? In today’s episode, I walk you through my personal journey of loving and accepting myself, how it has dramatically changed my life, and how self-love ties...
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Episode 69: How Adaptable Are You?

Adaptability is an energetic match to having more. If you want MORE in life, adaptability is always a part of your equation.  But the reality is, we're living in a time when adaptability is at an all-time low. In...
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Episode 68: You Were Born Worthy

Worthiness is something only you can give yourself. No one can do it for you. Only you can give it to you.  And when you do, your life will dramatically improve in every single way. In today’s episode, we explore what...
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Episode 67: Make It Inevitable

Are you playing hot potato with your dreams, holding them just long enough to think of excuses for not pursuing them? Just long enough to feel the fear of what it might take to actually achieve them? In today’s...
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Episode 66: The Worst Thought

Most of the time, you see me buzzing with possibility, energy and excitement.  Every now and then, I stumble and fall. This journey is, after all, up and down along the way up.  Toward the very end of 2022, I found...
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