Episode 97: Upgrading My Quality of Sleep

Over the past year, I've put lots of intention and attention into my quality of sleep.

Having already prioritized getting enough sleep, I set out to make the most of the sleep I was getting.

In today’s podcast, I share with you my journey on upgrading my sleep by changing the shape of my mouth and training my body to comfortably nasal breathe.

This is especially for you if you're someone who struggles with obstructive sleep apnea, shallow sleep, insomnia, snoring, teeth grinding, tooth decay, jaw pain, allergies, asthma or other respiratory issues.

Honestly, the awareness from this conversation could change how you perceive not only your health issues, but your child’s too. Enjoy!


You're Invited to the Ultimate Natural Mama Crash Course

As a mom, you’re constantly surrounded by perspectives… Everyone has one, but what’s your truth?

What does “normal” look like for your child when it comes to sleep, behavior, focus, mood, teeth, diet, skin, digestion, ear infections, energy…? The list goes on.

You can even take that a step further and wonder, “What does it look like when my child is THRIVING?”

It can feel overwhelming to try to dig through all of the opinions out there on this!

No matter the story, the journey to resilient health is always the same.

When you understand how the body communicates (and the many ways it works to serve us), you will be able to balance it.

And I can help you break it all down.

Join me for Mamahood: The Ultimate Natural Mama Crash Course. This free experience is guaranteed to provide you with instant empowerment to help your child thrive — no matter the phase of life you’re in. 

We start on October 16. Follow this link to sign up, and I'll see you there!