Episode 93: 11+ Ways to Activate Your Feminine Energetics

When it comes to finding balance in our lives, we must include the practice of seeking a balance between our feminine and masculine energetics.

Most of you are in masculine (mothering) energy all day. You’re always giving and striving.

How often do you drop into Feminine?

How often do you lean back and allow things to flow for you?

In today’s episode, I share with you 11+ easy, playful and pleasurable ways to activate your feminine energetics. You’ll feel a vibe shift almost instantly!


Abundance Workshop

You can sign up by following this link! When you do, you'll get instant access to the Part 1 replay and an invite to join me live for Part 2 on Wednesday, September 13, at 6:30 p.m. ET!

This is perfect for both newbies and those ready for their next upgrade.


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