Episode 100: Become a Fiercely Empowered Mama

In today's episode, I take my time to walk you through the TOTAL Fiercely Empowered Mama experience.

You’ll get to hear the answers to some of the most pressing FEM membership questions.


We're Ready to Welcome You

The FEM Early Bird Exclusive package expired yesterday, but many of you have asked if there’s any way we could extend this incredible offer.

So, I have some amazing news for you this weekend!

Now through November 5 ONLY, you can sneak in and claim your membership in FEM with the EARLY BIRD special!

This means that when you say YES to FEM between now and this Sunday, you’ll instantly save $400 off your membership and receive:

  • ACCESS to unlimited bioenergetic scanning – $5,000 value 

  • ACCESS to FEMbabes – $997 value

  • Your very own FEM Starter Kit, filled with my favorite remedies  $330 value

  • And when you pay in full, you'll get a free NES Mobile Bioenergetic Scanner – $150 value

No other program or offer out there even remotely compares to the level of support, care and work we do inside of Fiercely Empowered Mama.

If you desire to:

fully embrace naturopathy in your home,

step into your full confidence in working with natural healing and remedies,

receive health wins and upgrades for your children and family members — including your pets,

and be in a drama-free, loving community of like-minded mamas who have your back...

We’re ready to welcome you.

Follow this link and join us.


Want to get a taste of what it's like to be in Fiercely Empowered Mama?

Join us in Mamahood: The Ultimate Natural Mama Crash Course.

This free experience is guaranteed to provide you with instant empowerment to help your child thrive — no matter the phase of life you’re in. 

We are up and running with so many amazing live classes to come and replays available to you.

Everything inside this group is only going to be available to you for a limited time! So your full access will last for just a couple more weeks. 

Follow this link to request to join the group, and I'll see you there!