Your Kid Does Not Have ADHD
Aug 27, 2024ADHD is solely “diagnosed” based on a set of symptoms that tell us NOTHING about the cause.
Yet, over 11% of U.S. children are labeled with ADHD - which is more than a 40% jump in the last decade.And boys are labeled with ADHD 3x as often as girls.
Two-thirds of these children are prescribed stimulants such as Adderall or Ritalin. And children are prescribed these brain-destructive drugs as early as 4 years old.
Kids do not have ADHD
Kids with symptoms of ADHD (trouble concentrating, restlessness, impulsivity) are really struggling with one or more of the following:
-Major Mineral Imbalances
-Heavy Metal Toxicity
-Microbiome Imbalances
-Nervous System Dysregulation
-Airway Issues / Sleep Disorders
-Vision Problems
-Effects of Electronic-Screen Exposure
-Brain Injuries (birth trauma)
-Emotional Trauma
-Other Toxic Overload (chemicals / parasites)
-Wrong learning environment
Medication Does not Cure ADHD
If your child has symptoms of ADHD, medication is not the answer as it does NOTHING to address the root cause(s). Bringing balance to the brain, means healing the whole body. And the healing journey is always worth it!
Here are some resources to learn more:
Reset Your Child's Brain by Victoria L. Dunckley MD
A Mind of Your Own by Dr. Kelly Brogan (Not ADHD but worth reading)
And these sites:
Action Steps if Your Child Has Been Labeled with ADHD
A recommended place to start is working one-on-one with a naturopathic practitioner who will take the time to understand your child’s health history starting from BEFORE conception. The symptoms of ADHD are multifaceted and the child’s whole health story needs to be considered.
Healing Protocols to Support the Body Inside of FEM
This is exactly the work that we do inside of Fiercely Empowered Mama (FEM). When looking at symptoms of ADHD, we take in the full context of the child’s health history and totality of current symptoms, lifestyle, etc. all matters profoundly. If your child is struggling now, learn more about FEM and get on the waitlist here.
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