Surprising Signs of Dehydration

#dehydration #hydration #minerals #naturopathy #water Aug 05, 2024

Could you be dehydrated and not even know it? What about your kiddos? Water is crucial to so many processes in the body. And MOST people are walking around with a certain degree of dehydration. This is the true root of so many health challenges. SO many people with dis-ease are simply… thirsty.

And maybe you’re already drinking water all day.

But are your cells able to take that water in and hydrate? If you are experiencing any of these surprising signs of dehydration, your body may need help!

Surprising Signs of Dehydration:

» Bloating or abdominal discomfort that occur after drinking

» Dry mouth or difficulty forming saliva

» Insatiable thirst

» Craving and eating sweets, followed by drinking a lot of fluids

» Lack of elasticity in the skin

» Water retention, puffiness

» Disinclination to drink water because of taste

» Not drinking water, but obtaining water from coffee, caffeinated tea, fruit drinks or manufactured beverages

» Ringing of the ears — this is the alarm signal for dehydration! 

» Chronic dis-ease is always accompanied by dehydration, and, again, in many cases it’s the cause of it. Heart dis-ease, obesity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stomach ulcers, hypertension, cancer, MS, Alzheimer’s and many other chronic forms of dis-ease are preceded by years of “body drought.” 

» Cavities are osteoporosis of the teeth and they’re a communication of dehydration over a lifetime. Bones are mostly water. Decay includes mineral deficiency and imbalance often primarily caused first by stress and dehydration. 

» Those who have lived for many years without proper water intake are most likely dealing with a massive buildup of toxicity in the body. 

Remineralize Your Water

Did you know that you can supercharge your water with simple ingredients that you probably already have around your house? Supercharging helps to get minerals into the water and assists your cells to absorb and hydrate! Real Salt is just one example, and adding just a pinch to water can make a big difference.

This is great for mamas and for kiddos! The hot summer months are here and hydration is so important.

You can find my FREE water guide here where I give you simple ways to supercharge your water every time you fill your glass. True hydration is a game-changer when it comes to health!

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