Support your Child with Back-to-School Transitions
Aug 20, 2024
Transitions can be hard for anyone… but especially for kids! Back-to-school can be an especially BIG time of transitions for kids. They may be attending school outside the home, moving into a higher grade, have a new teacher or a fuller schedule.
Kids tend to express their difficulty with transitions in lots of ways. It could look like resistance (whining, procrastinating), negotiation, angry outbursts, a full meltdown or even a tummy ache. If your kiddo often says they have a tummy ache, (especially before or right after school) it’s most likely a “worry” ache.
Emotions can quickly manifest into physical symptoms. Fortunately, there are lots of Fiercely Empowered Mama (FEM) approved tools you can reach for to help ease anxiety, tension and stress for your kiddo.
Here are some easy, FEM-approved ways to help your kiddo with back-to-school transitions:
Walnut Flower Essence
This is your number one transition ally. Walnut helps increase our ability to adapt and move through change and transition. The affirmation Walnut flower essence offers is, “I am sure of myself”. Flower remedies are a subtle form of energetic healing that uses liquid flower extracts that work brilliantly to address emotional well-being and overall health. It’s so easy to use and can be offered one to two times a day either topically, orally or in water.
Rescue Remedy
While not perfect for transition, it IS perfect for acute stress. If your kiddo has a belly ache caused by worry or anxiety, spray it directly over the tummy. You can also offer it orally or simply spray on topically at the start of the school day or whenever it’s needed most.
Butter with Breakfast
Think of butter as your kiddo’s ultimate capacity bolster! And kiddos working through big transitions need lots of extra capacity. Grass Fed butter is rich in vitamins A, D, K2 and E which are needed for the development of the brain and body. Butter also contains DHA which nourishes the nervous system. Butter for breakfast will help improve mood, stabilize blood sugar and optimize digestion for kiddos.
20-Second Hug
Yes, a good old-fashioned hug decreases the release of cortisol, helping your kiddo to feel comforted and less stressed. The physical contact of a hug also boosts oxytocin, which promotes happiness and feelings of security. Bonus: It also boosts the immune syste
5. Keep your worried feelings in check.
Kids are emotional sponges and will be feeding on YOUR energy. If you are worried or anxious, they will be worried or anxious. Imagine your child feeling confident, secure and at peace. Give your energy to how you want the day to go, and allow them to plug into your state of coherence.
Magnesium before bed.
Magnesium is the RELAXING mineral. Kids need magnesium as part of their DAILY routine. Start with adding in topical magnesium before bed. This likely is not enough, but it’s a start!
I’m sharing everything back-to-school in this series!
Whether you are a homeschooling mama or a mama whose kids are at a publicly run school, be sure to follow so you don’t miss out on all the valuable naturopathic solutions to support your family through the school season. If you're loving this Fiercely Empowered Mama (FEM) content, you can get on the waitlist here.
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