How to Keep Your Kids Hydrated
Aug 24, 2024
Most kids today are dehydrated. Not only do they not drink enough water, but water they do drink is often not optimized for assimilation. Low water drinkers are also LESS likely to eat veggies and fruit (which supports total hydration) and MORE likely to crave junk food and sweets.
Optimizing hydration is KEY for every aspect of health - especially supporting your child’s drainage pathways AKA their detoxification system. Without adequate hydration, toxins will accumulate faster and they will be more primed for constipation. Kids who are more constipated ABSOLUTELY have greater difficulties wanting to learn. They are more likely to get less sleep, feel sluggish and get overwhelmed faster.
How to Keep Your Kids Hydrated
Kids just like adults need half their body weight in ounces of quality, mineralized water. Start their morning off strong by offering filtered water with a pinch of Real Salt. Do this before anything else! Help them understand that it’s so important to offer thirsty cells a big, long drink. Plus, it’s the best way to wake up the brain and love on the body.
Make hydration FUN by including them in the process. Here are some ideas:
Salt it!
Give them their own mini Real Salt shaker to add several shakes to each cup. Kids LOVE the mini shakers!
Customize the cups
Have them pick out their favorite cups or to-go tumblers (non-toxic of course), but allow them to decorate them or add their own creative flare to it.
Make Hydration Special
Have them make their own “special” infused water and/or FEMfusion (herbal infusion) before bed, so it’s ready to go in the morning. Encourage them to sip on coconut water, bone broth or raw milk. Have hydrating veggies and fruit readily available for easy snacking.
Make sure they are drinking
If leaving the home to attend school, be sure that they are actually DRINKING their water bottle every day. If they are coming home with a full bottle of water, mama, it’s going to impact their digestive system, ability to focus, detox, energy and sleep. Because most children are already dehydrated, their thirst mechanism isn’t working optimally. Take the time to gently and lovingly remind them to drink often (set alarms) and soon enough, their body will take over and send the “it’s time to drink” cues again.
It’s worth it to be hydrated
The efforts you put in to retraining your kid’s thirst mechanism will greatly improve their wellness. Hydrated kiddos have more open drainage pathways, better bowel movements and recover from illness more quickly.
Proper hydration is one of the foundational protocols you will learn inside of Fiercely Empowered Mama (FEM). It’s amazing how something that seems so simple can have such profound effects. This is one of the reasons why FEM is so incredible. Learn more about FEM here.
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