FEM Spotlight: Kristina Embraces Her Intuition

#fem #headaches #migraine #naturalhealing #naturalhealth #spotlight Aug 04, 2024

Here’s an incredible health story from 4th year FEM who learned to open up to her own intuition and trust herself. 

Inside of Fiercely Empowered Mama, you plug into everything that naturopathy has to offer and open the doors to radical and amazing health and life upgrades. Not only for your children, but for yourself, your partner, your pets and extended family members!

The following interview originally took place inside of Fiercely Empowered Mama, and this incredible mama has agreed to share her story of success with you, too. This will give you a greater taste of the work we do inside of FEM, and I hope these stories will inspire you with what’s possible when you say YES to the freedom path.

Kristina Embraces Her Intuition:

Kristina knew that joining FEM was in alignment with an instant gut feeling. She realized that it was the next step in the natural health journey for her and her family. She started with easy  changes - Real Salt added to water, herbal infusions, minerals and cell salts. She helped her son to overcome migraine headaches by helping with his vision, chiropractic care, balancing his minerals after HTMA results and ensuring he was getting enough high-quality protein. She also had an ah-ha moment helping her daughter to heal from hives by simply upping the dosing and frequency of the remedies.

Kristina joined FEM thinking that she would be told what to do. Instead, she realized that the goal is to wake up the intuition inherent in all of us.  We know what to do. We’ve just been told that we don’t. Trust yourself. Open up your intuition and everything just clicks.

Listen to the full interview in the video!

Here's How You Can Join FEM:

The doors to join FEM only open one time of year - in the late fall. If you desire mega upgrades in health for your family in 2025, learn more about the Fiercely Empowered Mama experience and get on the FEM waitlist.  Join here NOW!

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