Essential Oils for Back-to-School Support

#anxiety #backtoschool #essentialoils #focus #healthykids #immunity #mentalhealth #relaxation #stress Sep 17, 2024

Are you a natural-minded mama who is ready for back-to-school season? Essential oils can be your secret weapon for a smooth transition! From boosting focus and calming nerves to supporting healthy immune system, these powerful little bottles can address a wide array of issues.

Essential Oils for back-to-School Support

These oils are supportive but not totally curative. They are just one of the tools in a Fiercely Empowered Mama’s toolbox that can aid the body. When combined with other tools like foundational mineral work, hydration, good sleep and emotional work, the results can be phenomenal. Here are some of my favorites for Back-to-School transitions:

Essential Oils for Mental Clarity and Focus

Peppermint Oil:  Need a quick pick-me-up? Peppermint oil boosts alertness and can help your kids stay sharp during study time. A drop or two massaged on your temples or in a diffuser can help with concentration during study sessions and reduce mental fatigue. It’s also great for a quick energy boost if the afternoon slump hits.

Rosemary: This essential oil is known for enhancing memory and concentration. Diffuse Rosemary during homework sessions or study time to help your kids stay focused and retain information. 

Geneyus Blend: An easy button blend that is designed to support cognitive function and mental clarity, Geneyus is perfect for back-to-school preparation. This blend combines essential oils like rosemary, peppermint, and sage, which are known for their ability to enhance focus, memory, and mental performance. 

Brain Power Blend:  This powerful blend is ideal for sharpening focus and supporting learning, making it a great addition during study sessions or homework time or whenever a mental boost is needed.

Essential Oils for Rest and Calming

Lavender Oil: Known for its calming properties, lavender can be a lifesaver for managing back-to-school stress and promoting a restful night’s sleep. A few drops on your pillow or in a nighttime diffuser blend can create a soothing environment to help kids wind down after busy school days.

 Peace & Calming: Perfect for helping with relaxation before bed and as needed throughout the day. Bedtime routines are crucial during the school year–so consistency is key and the soothing properties of this oil make it a go-to for promoting restful sleep.

Stress Away: Perfect for use during particularly stressful times. It combines tropical and citrus notes with a hint of vanilla to help ease tension and promote relaxation. It’s perfect for both parents and kids to unwind after a busy school day.

Essential Oils to Boost Mood

 Lemon/Orange: Citrus oils are bright and uplifting and perfect for creating a positive, energized atmosphere. They can enhance mood and improve focus when diffused or used in a roller blend. Diffuse them in the morning to set a positive tone.

Citrus fresh: A favorite that combines several citrus oils and spearmint for an extra boost!

Essential Oils for Immune Support

 Thieves Oil: This powerful blend is known for its immune-supportive properties, making it a fantastic choice for the back-to-school season. With a combination of clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary, Thieves oil helps support your body's defenses and can be particularly useful as kids return to crowded classrooms.

 Raven/RC: Keep your kids breathing easy with these blends that support respiratory health. Use a few drops in the mornings to start the day off with a breath of fresh air. Intentional breathing is crucial for staying focused and energetic throughout the school day.

Essential Oils for Confidence

KidPower Oil: KidPower essential oil blend is a fantastic tool for supporting focus, confidence, and emotional balance. It’s a great choice for kids who might be feeling nervous about starting school and is also great for mamas who have big emotions as their littles continue to grow up . The roller bottle version makes it easy to keep in your child’s backpack so they are empowered with this tool if they need the extra support during the day.

Valor: Like Kidpower, this empowering blend can help kids (and parents!) tackle new challenges with a sense of inner strength and balance. Apply it topically or diffuse before heading out for the day.

If you want to master all of the naturopathic tools available to a mama as the healer of her household, the Fiercely Empowered Mama (FEM) is the place for you. Essential oils are just a tiny sample of the many natural remedies and protocols available to upgrade your family’s health in a big way. You can get on the waitlist for FEM here.


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