Back-to-School the FEM Way

#backtoschool #kids #naturalhealth #naturalremedies #naturopathy Aug 20, 2024
Back-to-School the Natural Way

I am so excited to kick off an amazing new series with you: Back-to-School the FEM way!

Going back to school can mean so many things - new transitions, anxieties and worries. It can mean back to less supportive food choices and less time spent outside in nature. It can mean overstimulation for sensitive kiddos. It can also mean more frequent exposure to chemicals and EMFs. With toxin exposure comes more frequent illness communications. A natural-minded mama could quickly feel overwhelmed.

Don’t worry - We have your back!

For the next couple of weeks, there will be daily posts happening on Instagram (@tonyaholcomb) that tackle your biggest back-to-school challenges and ultimately encourage you to take your most aligned steps to help you and your kiddos have the best school year yet!

There is seriously so much ground that we will be covering.

But here is a sneak peek at some of the topics you can look forward to:

  • After-school melt-downs
  • Focus challenges (ADHD deep dive)
  • STRESS!!!
  • Behavioral challenges
  • Public bathroom anxiety 
  • True hydration 
  • Sleep, circadian rhythms & bedtime routines 
  • Best EMF protection
  • The overstimulated child
  • Brain-supporting breakfast and lunches
  • Promoting courage
  • Big immunity support
  • Weather changes 
  • Neuroplasticity & your child 
  • Top remedies for emotional and mental support 
  • Help with transitions 
  • Mitigating chemical exposure 
  • Daily supplements to consider 
  • AND SO SO much more!

I’ll also be routinely taking time to answer your questions. 

This series is an incredible resource for any mama who is dreading the back-to-school struggles. This year will be different with FEM on your side. Join me now so you can be on the journey from the start! Follow along on Instagram.

Make sure you are on the waitlist to join Fiercely Empowered Mama (FEM) when doors open this fall!  You can join here.

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