Episode 81: Extraordinarily So, Part 3

How do you know if the decision you’re making is for your highest good or if it's rooted in fear? 

In today’s episode, part three of the Extraordinarily So series, I share with you:

  • How to make truly aligned decisions.
  • How to activate your desire.
  • And the number one thing you need to do — today — to create the life of your dreams.

You'll also learn a few ways you can dive deeper into this work. 


More on the Extraordinarily So Series

An abundance of support is all around you. 
All the time.
Eagerly awaiting to guide you on the path of extraordinary living.

So many signs are there.

That you are safe.
That you are in the right place.
Exactly where you should be.

Or that you’re not.
And it’s time to learn the lesson.
To take a detour.
Or end that contract.

But the love is always there.
So much love.
Whispers of endless encouragement.

And Desires.
They are everywhere. 
Just waiting for you.
To claim them.
To own them.
To walk with them.

It’s all right here.

Desires so big…
SO rich.
You are being asked to trust bigger than you ever have.

To be okay in the void.
And to be incredibly grateful, every step of the way.
Because it’s always this or better. 
And it’s always better.


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