Episode 15: Mosquito Medicine — When We Need to Reset, Refocus & Remember

Episode #15

In this week’s episode, I'm taking you on a deeply important journey with timely medicine that was brought to me by none other than…mosquitoes.

Yes, mosquito medicine is at its finest while I'm up and away enjoying vacation in the most beautiful northern parts of Michigan. 

Come join me as I walk you through my story with our sometimes pesky flying friends. From engaging in too much DOING and totally not feeling like myself, to vacation meltdowns, to mosquito attacks… I was reminded that these things are ALWAYS so unquestionably connected. Truly.

This journey ended up being about so much more than the minor and fleeting inconveniences of my mosquito friends and those itchy-as-heck little welts they leave behind. And this is exactly my point in sharing. This journey was about realigning my focus, refilling my cup and honoring the resiliency I've worked so hard to establish — in all avenues of my life. 

I was SO reminded of where I needed to funnel my energy as MOSQUITOES walked me through examining my own potential for self-sabotage (even as I attempted to shift into vacation mode!!!) by getting a little too lax with my boundaries.

I have to laugh, medicine is truly everywhere!


Healing Is Cleansing & Cleansing Is Healing

On that note! I'll be opening the doors to the Cleansing Circle soon, and you will WANT to be in this group.

The results are mind blowing. And this fall, in honor of the mosquito, the invitation for all the women in the Cleansing Circle is to kill and expel parasites! 

I'm adding a new class specifically speaking to rope worms, which is such a fascinating conversation. You won't want to miss it!

I invite you to go to https://tonyaholcomb.clickfunnels.com/cleansingcircle and get on the waitlist now.

You can be the first to know when the doors open back up this fall AND get access to a special offer.