Inside Look
Join the FEM 2025 waitlist!

You trusted your mama intuition and instincts  — fully, above anyone else? 

You welcomed a fever because you knew it was the body’s way of working magic?

You knew how to tune into your child at any given moment to see what support they needed most?

You felt confident using minerals, vitamins, herbs, homeopathy, essential oils, flower essences and a variety of natural therapies to support your growing child?

You knew how to heal a cavity naturally?

You knew how to read the body’s communication?

You knew how to understand symptoms like hives, eczema, allergies, headaches and warts?

You knew how to bring balance to the body with natural means of healing?

You knew you were your child’s best advocate and his best healer, and you stood your ground?

You didn’t fear acute sickness, you welcomed it?

You felt immense trust in the human body's ability to heal and restore balance?

What if I told you I could help make that a reality? That you could feel the same freedom I feel when it comes to raising my little one naturally?

Join the FEM 2025 waitlist!

The moment you conceived, you became an expert. You instantly became your child’s best doctor, their best healer.

You’re biologically and spiritually programmed to care for your child in a way no one else can.

Your mama intuition not only deserves to be heard, but it must be at the head of your health care table.

In the past 100+ years, our intuition has been diluted. We’ve been trained to believe that only a doctor knows best, and this is simply not true.

I believe that women are the naturally born healers of the home and have an innate, magnetic pull to raise their babies naturally — to do whatever it takes to protect them and keep them safe.

But through conditioning and programming, we’ve lost touch with our common sense of what real healing looks like.

Becoming a Fiercely Empowered Mama will help you reclaim your power as the most important part of your child’s healthcare team.

Here is the fact behind my belief:

American children have never been sicker.

  • 54% of people are suffering from one or more chronic illnesses.
  • Cancer is the SECOND leading cause of death in children.
  • 43 children are diagnosed with cancer per day.
  • 5 children die of cancer per day. The average age of diagnosis is 6.
  • Boys are labeled with ADHD 3x as often as girls.
  • 15% of high schoolers are on Adderall.
  • 40% of teens have a mental health diagnosis.
  • Half a million children are on antidepressants.
  • 50% of children are overweight or obese.
  • 40 years ago, 1 in 10,000 children had autism — now it's 1 in 36, and in some regions, 1 in 22.
  • 1 in 5 kindergartners have asthma.
  • 40% of those with food allergies have a history of severe reactions, including deadly peanut allergies.
  • 1 in 20 children’s pediatrician visits are due to constipation.
  • Up to half of our kids today are what society would consider picky eaters.
  • Up to 93% of kids have malocclusion (crooked teeth), a visual sign of underdeveloped jaws that cause possible breathing issues.
  • 50% of children have sleep disorders. 


What was once RARE, is now EVERYWHERE.

  • Over half (54%) are suffering from one or more chronic illnesses.
  • Cancer is the SECOND leading cause of death in children. 43 children are diagnosed with cancer per day. 5 children die of cancer per day. The average age of diagnosis is age 6.
  • Diagnosis of ADHD have never been higher.
  • 40 years ago, 1 in 10,000 children had autism — now it's 1 in 54, and in some regions, 1 in 34.
  • 1 in 5 kindergartners have asthma.
  • 40% of those will food allergies have a history of severe reactions including deadly peanut allergies.
  • 22% of teens ages 13 to 18 will have a severe mental disorder.
*Statistics from Children’s Health Defense.

It DOES NOT have to be this way.

Our children are demanding better.

The solution starts with embracing Naturopathy into your home. Becoming a Fiercely Empowered Mama will upgrade your confidence and your children’s health — profoundly. 

It’s not a question of if it works… We have hundreds of testimonials that THIS WORKS.

The only question is, are you ready?

It’s a very confusing time to raise a child.


You resort to your conditioning... to what you know and what you've been taught about health.

Medical speak and the media are constantly reminding you to be fearful, to only rely on your doctor, to trust drugs and to be okay with experiencing negative side effects.

You're pressured and scared into taking antibiotics, getting the flu shot, using steroids, giving your child Tylenol and the list goes on.

The scary truth is that these options do not offer real healing and actually suppress symptoms and drive the issues deeper in the tissues. Relying on them as your “tools” can come with great risks.

Medical care shines in emergency situations, but otherwise, the medical system is failing our children.

We need to get back to our roots.

To get comfortable sourcing real food, creating nourishment, embracing mineralization and working with natural tools that actually give the body what it needs to restore balance and THRIVE.

Join the FEM 2025 waitlist!

What will your life look and feel like after you SAY YES to FEM and take back your power?

You will no longer…

  • Feel terrified when your little ones get rashes, colds, earaches, sore throats and more.
  • Feel overwhelmed, confused and hopeless with those pesky skin issues like eczema or chronic issues like constipation. 
  • Run to the medical doctor’s office for every symptom, or rely solely on over-the-counter medications and prescriptions. 
  • Doubt the healing power of natural remedies or question your ability to use them!

I’m a wife and the mother of a ten-year-old boy — my greatest teacher and my "why." I’m a Naturopathic Doctor, a bioenergetic practitioner and an Emotion Code Practitioner. I'm the founder of Fiercely Empowered Mama, FEMbabes and the Cleansing Circle, and I'm the Host of the Fiercely Awakening podcast. 

My mission is to connect you to naturopathy and the fundamental laws of natural living and healing. Naturopathy takes into consideration the whole person, addresses the root cause with a non-invasive approach using natural modalities and, most importantly, it recognizes your body’s inherent processes of healing.

I work to support the health and true transformation of all — women, men, teens, children, babies and even pets.

But my greatest passion is helping everyday moms turn on their power and tap into their God-given intuition to become fierce healers. I believe the health of the home starts with women, who are natural-born healers.

That's why I created Fiercely Empowered Mama!

FEM is an online course and a whole year of fierce, natural-mama coaching with me and my team of knowledgeable and totally aligned natural health educators. (Plus, you'll receive invitations to continue your FEM experience when you're a FEM alumnus!)

FEM is a community and movement of women who are owning their tools for natural healing and placing their mama intuition back at the head of their healthcare table where it belongs.

What's Included:

Lifetime Access to 15 Training Modules, 80+ Lessons, Handouts & Cheat Sheets

Inside each of the modules, you’ll have two to six hours of video lessons, cheat sheets, handouts, key takeaways, homework prompts, additional resources, book recommendations and more.

You will have LIFETIME access to the Fiercely Empowered Mama course. I plan for my FEM course to be around for a long time. And as I update the content each year and we collectively grow the FEM movement, you’ll have access to ALL course content updates as a lifetime member.

Take it from a FEM Alum: 

"I have learned so much through the course portal modules and lessons. I love them. I am so grateful to have someone who is willing to teach me not only the 'what' but also the 'why.' I love that Dr. Tonya also keeps the focus on the big picture while also diving deeper into different topics. I appreciate that I don't have to get a degree in order to learn the tools that I need to support my children's health naturally."

"With FEM I was able to stop spending hours digging for information on how to heal my family naturally. Tonya’s modules are packed with information, extra tools, and resources (in one spot!) that give you power to trust your mama intuition and use natural resources to help your family! đź’śđź’ś so blessed to be a FEM!"

Lifetime Access to My Vault of High-Demand, Quick Help Protocols

The Vault has over 80 protocols.  Each one will give you peace of mind with a step-by-step plan for how to heal acute issues 100% naturally so you can address symptoms without suppressing the body's communication!

The Vault is ALWAYS growing and you will have lifetime access.

"The protocols are such a game-changer for me. I refer to them often and am so thankful to have all the information needed when communication comes up."

"Having these resources at our fingertips is invaluable. They provide the best support and build confidence. Having access to answers when things pop up unexpectedly is extremely valuable."

12 Months of Natural-Mama Coaching + Membership in a Private Facebook Group

FEM wouldn’t be FEM without the coaching and community. This is the part I get so excited about and what really makes your experience in FEM come to LIFE!

The only way to truly transform is by immersing yourself fully into a world with people who understand your desires and are ready to lift you with knowledge and love.

Yes, you’re going to love the course content. But what you'll experience in this community of Fiercely Empowered Mamas is a support force for when you need those extra loving hands on deck.

You’ll be able to lean on the community as you take in all the information from the course modules.

This community has been built to sustain you. It’s a place where integration happens. You’ll learn how to apply and completely own the information you're learning.

You’ll get access to real-time naturopathic truth and support from not only me, but also from my team and other FEMs who’ve walked the journey with me for the past five years.

This community will be in your corner — every single day — for 12 months. Imagine how quickly you’ll grow and how confident you'll become!

Twelve months of community and coaching allows for 12 months of true and total transformation.

Not only is this one of the most inspiring and engaging Facebook groups you’ll ever be part of, but you’ll also be getting so much more!

Full access to FEMbabes  - Naturopathic Guidance for Fertility, Conception, Pregnancy & Postpartum Care
6 In-Depth Modules, PLUS my top protocols for preconception care, pregnancy, birth, baby & postpartum ($997 Value)

FEMbabes is my one-stop resource for everything I want the parents I serve to know about fertility, preconception care, consciously conceiving and showing up to pregnancy feeling fully empowered with both the why and how when it comes to nourishment for mama and babes. You’ll be supported with not only the protocols, but also monthly coaching sessions to bring this material to life. For those mamas in this phase of life, this is the perfect compliment to the Fiercely Empowered Mama course material.

Lifetime Access to a Real Food & Remedy Vault

For a FEM, the kitchen is just another medicine cabinet. The kitchen is where true healing begins.

We'll have monthly Real Food Meet-Ups: a time for tutorials and recipes, and a space to learn how to confidently nourish your family!

Here’s a glimpse at some of these classes: bone broth, herbal infusions, breakfast solutions, etc.

"The Real Food Talk opens up conversation and ideas about new things. It also helps to see things done on video so I can feel more confident to do it myself."

"Homesteading is something I am very interested in/passionate about and so the addition of the Real Food and Remedy Vault has been a game changer for me."

"I absolutely love the new addition with Stephanie in the Real Food meetups; and others sharing their recipes. I am not a fan of the kitchen so that has been amazing to tune into, and fun to try a few things out."

Ask Me Whatever Wednesdays on Live Video

Wednesdays are the best! This is when I go live on Facebook and you can ask me ANYTHING as it relates to healing naturally.

Bring your personal questions about yourself, your kiddo, your pup, etc. If I don’t know the answer right then, my team and I will research to do everything we can to find answers or engage further questions for deeper understanding.

A Naturopathically Curated Shop with Coupon Codes & Group Buy Opportunities

I've built an online shop full of all the tried and true remedies I use in naturopathic programs for myself, my family and my clients. Fiercely Empowered Mamas get exclusive access to sales and coupon codes all year long!

Community-Based Mentorship Program

team of mentors is waiting for you and rooting for your success inside FEM. FEM mentors are FEM alumni who have a passion for building community and helping their fellow FEMs integrate what they learn throughout the year.

Each FEM is assigned a mentor based on location so support can be built around resources, community and network as much as possible!

Basically — there's ALWAYS a level of support built in every aspect of your FEM journey.

Care Clinics

Care Clinics are opportunities to get custom care in the form of muscle tested mini programs for your children. These calls are group calls, and you’ll be able to submit requests for care and/or simply follow along and observe my process when it comes to muscle testing and program building.

There’s nothing like custom care… You will have the exact mini protocol to support your child and move the needle forward on chronic or acute issues.

TeamTonya Support

From our support email inbox to Facebook messenger, I have the best team in the world. There are simply no questions you can’t ask them.

They will provide you with technical support within the course portal, naturopathic application of the course content, navigating course offerings, holding space for you in challenges and cheering you on in victories — TeamTonya is the best and they're here to hold everything together!

Exclusive Opportunity to Work Closely with Dr. Tonya & Her Team

If you want to work closely with me, FEM is the only way to do it! My availability and the availability of my team is for those in FEM and my programs. 

Being in FEM means you have access to adding in individualized care, health coaching, and office hours with my team and me.

Additional, individualized support is based on addressing mineral imbalances and restoring your kiddo’s unique biochemistry. Protocols, coaching or acute support from my team and me are only available inside FEM!

World Event Meetings

We have World Event Meetings as needed to connect and stay grounded with solutions, remedies, perception work and the sharing of ideas. We are dedicated to walking these times with you, and we take great care to keep our FEMs prepared.

Mama Circles

Mama Circles are where FEMs come together in Zoom gatherings three times a month to explore different wellness-focused topics of interest that equip and encourage you to live out the FEM lifestyle in all areas your life.

Current FEMs are encouraged to lead a Mama Circle if they have a specific area of expertise or interest that they would like to share with the group. We also bring in outside guest speakers from time-to-time to dig into other topics that FEMs have expressed interest in.

Some of the past Mama circles topics have been:

  • Cavities
  • Muscle Testing
  • Navigating bed wetting and constipation
  • Skin Issues
  • Picky Eating
  • Oral Ties
  • Mouth Breathing & Palate Issues
  • Homeschooling
  • Prepping
  • Primitive Reflexes
  • Mama Overwhelm
  • Burnout
  • And so much more!!

Whether you’re seeking advice or simply want to connect with like-minded women, Mama Circles are a space for shared wisdom and mutual encouragement. They are another facet of the incredibly supportive FEM community and serve to enhance your FEM experience.

Access to Hair Mineral Analysis + Interpretation Guidance

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) can be a lifesaver for kids. HTMA allows us to SEE mineral imbalances and heavy metal toxicity.

So many kiddos struggle with BIG communications that are linked to mineral imbalance and heavy metal toxicity:

  • Undereating or overeating
  • Tantrums
  • Mood swings
  • Acne
  • Angry outbursts
  • Eczema
  • Tummy aches
  • Allergies
  • Focus
  • Hyperactivity
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Cavities

These things are not “normal” parts of life. Understanding heavy metals and mineral imbalance is a key component to understanding the body's communications. HTMA shows mineral and heavy metal patterns for a three-month window. It’s like getting an in-depth look at your child’s health.

This means you'll have the data you need to get to the bottom of food reactions, skin communications, allergies, tooth decay and how your kiddo gets to experience their health.

Hair mineral analysis is just another tool in the Fiercely Empowered Mama kit. You'll have access to exclusive trainings and pricing in Dr. Tonya’s online shop!

Access to the NES Health Bioenergetic System

When you join FEM, you get access to the NES Health Bioenergetics System. Medicine and nutrition are largely based on the body's chemistry. But chemistry itself is based in physics — the flow of energy and information of the body. This is what bioenergetics addresses.

Bioenergetics allows us to access another layer of getting to the root of health concerns. It allows us to assess and correct the body's energetics control system.

The NES mobile scanner or voice scan measures hundreds of wellness points in just seconds, with remarkable accuracy, and can instantly tell you where the body needs support.

The NES system allows you to tap into nutritional, environmental and even emotional factors. It taps into and analyzes your body's true control system.

"I love the NES scans and just being able to see in the moment what might need supported. "

"NES has been HUGE for being able to evaluate the results I'm getting and shows what I need to tweak (great diagnostic tool for progress)."

"The NES scans!! Every time I scan myself or another family member we are blown away by the affirmation and emotion part."

Integration Calls

Join other FEMs and a TeamTonya leader for live video calls where you’ll work through the modules together and get answers to your most pressing course content questions.

We make intentional space to lead the discussion toward deep understanding. This will ensure that you stay up to speed and continue to grow in your knowledge and trust with natural healing.

Whether it’s learning how to avoid antibiotics, use a nebulizer for the first time or address skin issues, these calls allow you to FULLY integrate the FEM teachings and apply them to your life in REAL time.

Coaching Calls

Coaching calls are for wherever we need more focus and integration as a community! Coaching takes place on Zoom, and we cover everything from practicing and furthering our muscle testing skills, to the NES Health Bioenergetics System, to mindset workshops.

Muscle Testing Coaching & Comprehension

I want you to feel like you can completely OWN the tool of muscle response testing. Muscle testing is a life-changing skill. It gives you instant access to understanding the body’s truth. Most importantly, during an acute situation, you can test which remedies and what amounts will be the most supportive for your kiddo.

You'll no longer wonder what the body is trying to tell you; you’ll be able to tune in and gain truth — just like a traditional naturopath.

Monthly Challenges, Accountability & Celebrations

We are a community that has each other’s backs, challenges each other to do better and better, and celebrates our incredible wins.

There’s truly NO place like FEM.

Show & Tell Thursday Thread

Every Thursday, we create a thread in the group in which you'll have the opportunity to share your business offerings, programs, workshops, websites, events, etc. In this Thursday thread, you can brag about your work/products/offerings however you want!

According to our FEM Group Guidelines, while we deeply desire for this to be a community that supports each other, we also recognized the need to put some boundaries around solicitations. Any promotions outside of the Thursday thread will be deleted to help protect and maintain the integrity of this experience.

HarmonizeHer Track – Monthly Women’s Health Masterclass

Women today are facing a metabolic health crisis. These monthly masterclasses are designed to build on one another and will walk you on the path to healing and feeling (and looking!) your absolute best.

Topics will include:
Changing Body Composition, Blood Sugar Regulation, Tracking Macros the FEM Way, Stress, Libido, Perimenopause, Self-Care, Skin Health, Adrenal/Thyroid Health, Mindset, Fitness the FEM Way and SO much more! These elevated conversations will give you peace of mind and practical guidance to follow with ease and support.

As a FEM, you also get access to my Cyclical Calculator which allows you to get real-time data on nourishing YOU in whatever phase of life you’re in – whether it be preconception, pregnant, breastfeeding, between babies or over 40. It takes the guesswork of “how much” and “what can I eat” out of the picture.

FEMpets Starter Pack
  • Top Food Options
  • Top Supplements
  • Quick Healing Modalities
  • Minerals
  • Parasite Cleansing
  • Muscle Testing Your Pet
Opportunity to Continue as a FEM Alumni Each Year đźŽ‰

You'll have LIFETIME access to the Fiercely Empowered Mama course modules and vaults, plus all of its future updates and upgrades.

However, once you complete the FEM 2024 experience, continuing on with the live community group and coaching (FEM Live) is something you get to choose to be a part of each year.

I recommend staying active in FEM Live for at least three years but, of course, I want you to hang out in the live experience with me forever!

I make being in FEM Live as easy as possible each year by offering a small annual rejoining fee. The current re-enrollment fee is $297, although there's many opportunities to get discounts and bonuses throughout the re-enrollment period.

Hear what FEM Britanee has to say about the offerings inside FEM:

"It is so great to be able to refer back to the course as well as the vault! The vault is beautifully organized and easy to navigate!

Real Food Talk opens up conversation and ideas about new things. It's also nice to see things done on video so I can feel more confident to do it myself.

The Facebook community is always uplifting and I am hearing and learning new things every time I am in the group!

Care clinics are so personal and it is amazing to know we have Dr. Tonya there to help us through hard things that we may not be able to work through on our own! It has been such a blessing!

The TeamTonya support has been such a blessing as well! Just knowing that we always have support available when we need."

A Deeper Look at My Vault of High-Demand, Quick Help Protocols


Each protocol will give you peace of mind with a step-by-step plan for how to heal acute issues 100% naturally so you can address symptoms without suppressing the body's communication! You will receive LIFETIME access to this evergrowing vault!


These protocols cover:

Sore Throats

Ear Infections







Sleep Issues


Bites & Stings

Bladder Infections

Breast Lumps

Canker Sores

Bone Healing (Fractures)

Colds & Flu

Coughs (Dry / Damp / General / Spastic)


Pink Eye


Cradle Cap


Injuries + Cuts


Diaper Rash

Dizziness (Vertigo)



Kidney Stones

Nausea & Vomiting


Nose Bleeds

Poisoning (Food)

Poison Ivy

Alternatives to Antibiotics

Boosting Body Up Post-Antibiotics

Anger (Yep, I can help with that!)

And more!!

"The vault is always my first go to when it comes to anything that hits our family or someone I know. It's such an incredible resource and allows me to know exactly what I need."

— Sara, FEM Alumni

"Having the Vault is amazing in those acute situations when you're all over the place trying to help whomever, but then are able to check the Vault to remind you of things to use and support."

— Amanda, FEM Alumni

A Deeper Look at the Real Food & Remedy Vault


For a FEM, the kitchen is just another medicine cabinet. The kitchen is where true healing begins. We'll have monthly Real Food Meet-Ups: a time for tutorials and recipes, and a space to learn how to confidently nourish your family! You will receive LIFETIME access to this evergrowing vault!


Here’s a glimpse at some of these classes & recipes:

Herbal Infusions

Bone Broth

Breakfast Solutions

Lunch Box Ideas

Brewing Kombucha

Soup Recipes

How to Activate Nuts

Healthy Dessert Recipes


Fermented Recipes

Sprouting Greens

Snack Ideas

And more!!!


A Deeper Look at the NES Health Bioenergetics System


In FEM, You’ll Have Access to Revolutionary Technology That Has The Capacity to Change Your Life and Health Forever.

Bold statement? Yes.

Accurate and honest statement? Also yes.

Access to the NES Health Bioenergetic System (a more than $5,000 value) allows you to assess what’s really going on in the body — and what may be restricting the ability to maintain vibrant health.

The process begins by delivering an immediate, detailed and accurate analysis of the body through a single scan. It works quickly, can be done at home and instantly provides answers about your health that may have been eluding you for years...

And perhaps all your life.

Once your scan is uploaded, the analysis software allows you to get to the root cause of issues contributing to fatigue, slow metabolism, brain fog, nutritional deficiencies, detox needs and so much more.

You’ll have a detailed overview right at your fingertips that includes multiple screens and physiologically accurate graphics, complete with in-depth explanations of what you’re looking at.

You'll be able to SEE beyond what's on the surface of your current health state, and SEE the information your body needs in order to return to its original high-functioning, energetic blueprint.

Receive a NES handheld Bioenergetic Scanner with your pay in full membership.

A NES Scan Reveals:

Energy Blockages

Your scan will identify energy blockages in the human body-field and pinpoint the strength of the energy being produced by various systems and organs.

Nutritional Issues

The scan report will highlight current challenges in absorption, the state of your metabolic processes and intolerance(s) to certain foods.

Your Exposure to Environmental Toxins & Sensitivities

A NES health scan determines what environmental factors, toxic metals, chemicals and EMFs you've been exposed to and the body’s ability to handle their impact when present.

Emotional & Mental Analysis

This helps identify past shocks and traumas that are negatively impacting your physical health.

Energy medicine is, without a doubt, the future of health. Period. The NES Bioenergetics Wellness System is backed by experts and health and wellness pioneers like Wendy Meyers, Ben Greenfield, Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton.

Access to just one scan could save you so much on time and resources.

And in FEM, you are able to use this technology for yourself and for your whole family. As you desire. đź¤Ż

Hear what this FEM alumnus has to say about the NES Health Bioenergetics System...


This is more than just an online course.

This is a community of fierce women who not only desire major growth but who desire to be HELD by a group of like-minded mamas who get them best.

Join the FEM 2025 waitlist!

We're 100% in this together.

Hear what this FEM alumnus has to say...

at what you'll learn in each of the 11 modules:

See what these FEM alumni have to say...

Join the FEM 2025 waitlist!

Fiercely Empowered Mama teaches the best practices for addressing natural healing and health for your kiddos — but we are always learning, evolving and discovering more! 

In other words, we just keep getting better and better at simplifying natural health and healing and building protocols that are proven to WORK! 

Plus, so much has changed in the past two years, and we keep you READY and EMPOWERED for it all! 

With LIFETIME access to Fiercely Empowered Mama, you get every single future update dropped directly into your course portal — free of charge.

So you’ll ALWAYS be in the know and feel supported, confident and empowered no matter what is happening in the world or around you. 



In October 2022, 85% of FEMs participated in a survey about the program. Here’s a glimpse at some of the astounding results:


When asked “What's the biggest way FEM has changed your life?” FEMs responded with these incredible testimonials:

"Doing the foundational work has been a huge thing for us. I was struggling with being tired all the time. Building up those minerals and healing my adrenals has helped me feel so much better. My daughter now asks every day for her minerals/cell salts and 'sparkle juice' aka clo in juice. I see changes in my autistic son too. He's more engaged and wants to be a part of things."

— Sarah

"I am without question the head of my family's health care table! A few years ago when I found FEM was just looking to learn how to treat a fever naturally. It's almost laughable now to think that I had no clue what I was getting into, in the most amazing, positive way possible. There were so many areas that I was leaning towards FEM ways previously, but was so wishy washy because I didn't necessarily know why I believed what I believed. Now I have the information, the knowledge, the community, the lifestyle, all the things to back that up. Now I walk around with the confidence that I dare someone to challenge me on decisions on make for my family, whereas before I just hoped no one would ask."

— Amanda

"It has given me peace to handle acute sickness with my toddler and family. It has made me stress less about what I can do when sickness or acute issues arise. It has helped me feel like I am part of a community who truly support each other."

— Kaitlyn

"It has changed my life in every way. It has been the most validating experience and provided me with so much empowerment to know what is best for my life and our lives. I’ve been working to reprogram forced societal norms and it’s so freeing."

— Autumn

"It has caused me to look deeper at our health care and select providers who are aligned with holistic natural health, and given me the courage to consider myself the one in charge of my family’s health, not any one doctor or professional. *I* get the final say, and I have resources to help me decide what we do or don’t do."

— Andrea

Join the FEM 2025 waitlist!

By signing up, you are claiming your intuition and seeking truth.

You desire to understand how the body works, embrace real prevention and understand root-cause healing. You want to learn to work with nature’s abundance of tools, from real food to herbs and energetic medicine.

Becoming a Fiercely Empowered Mama doesn’t mean that we don’t seek medical advice when need be. It means that no matter the chaos happening around us, we stand calmly in our truth and keep our intuition as our guiding force at the head of our health care table.

You will receive the coaching, knowledge and community that you so desperately crave so you can act on your intuition in a fierce way.

See what these FEM alumni have to say...

Is Fiercely Empowered Mama for You?



Any mama, from any place in the world, who is seeking truth as it relates to raising their children naturally and who desires to stand strong in their truth.



Those who are trapped in a medical mindset, feel that only a medical doctor knows what’s best for their child, and do not desire to free themselves from these limitations.



moms with little ones

moms with teens

moms with little ones and teens

new moms

soon-to-be moms


moms who desire to foster/adopt

moms with grown-up kids

doggy moms

women who offer healing work with moms/children

women who sell products in a health related field

auntie with no intention of ever having children, but a deep desire to be a resource for natural healing for her nieces/nephews


Join the FEM 2025 waitlist!


Join the FEM 2025 waitlist!

If you know you're meant for FEM, I’m making it easier than ever to trust yourself and say YES.

I want you to be able to see for yourself and make a fully informed decision. And the only way you can make a fully informed decision is from the inside — truly experiencing all FEM has to offer — not from where you are now on the outside.đź’ś

So here is my guarantee to you: Join FEM and participate for 90 days. If, after that time, you feel that it isn’t the path for you, I’ll fully refund your membership.

What does participating look like?

It looks like attending as many live classes as you can or watching the replays. It looks like creating your portal account and getting started diving into the modules and lessons. It looks like pulling up whatever protocols you find yourself needing in The Vault. It looks like you asking questions in the Facebook group and leaning into the support of this community.

If you do all of those things over the first 90 days, and you come to the conclusion that FEM isn’t for you, simply email me and my team at [email protected], and we’ll issue you a refund and remove you from the course.

“A nation is only as healthy as its children.”

- Harry S. Truman

Testimonials of Fiercely Empowered Mamas:


Testimonials of Fiercely Empowered Mamas:

A quick reminder of what you'll get inside Fiercely Empowered Mama:

  • 12 Months of Natural-Mama Coaching + Membership in a Private Facebook Group

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to 15 Modules, 80+ Lessons, Handouts & Cheat Sheets

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to My Vault of High-Demand, Quick Help Protocols

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to a Real Food & Remedy Vault

  • Ask Me Whatever Wednesday on Live Video

  • Real Food Workshops

  • Care Clinics

  • TeamTonya Support

  • Your Own Mentor in a Community-Based Mentorship Program

  • Muscle Testing Coaching & Comprehension

  • Access to Hair Mineral Analysis & Interpretation Guidance

  • Access to the NES Health Bioenergetic System & Unlimited Scanning

  • Integration Meet-Ups & Coaching Calls

  • A Naturopathically Curated Shop with Coupon Codes

  • Exclusive Opportunity to Work Closely with Dr. Tonya & Her Team

  • World Event Meetings

  • Mama Circle



Join the FEM 2025 waitlist!


No matter where you are on this journey, I can promise you that THIS is a movement that you want to be a part of.

Together, we Fiercely Empowered Mamas have the opportunity and responsibility to plant so many seeds in our communities to help our local mamas take back their power, rid their fear and show up for their families in such a big way.

Are you ready to fully own all aspects of raising your children naturally with absolute confidence? If your intuition is saying yes, join us in 2023!