What if you could radically shift your health?
What about radically changing your future?

Are you one of the many women who are currently struggling with:
Extreme Fatigue • Brain Fog • Hormonal Issues • Weight Gain • Endometriosis • Skin Issues • Fibroids • Ovarian Cysts • Infertility • Intense PMS • Depression • Anxiety • Migraines • Chronic Headaches • Allergies • Adrenal Dysfunction • Thyroid Dysfunction • Insomnia • Cavities • Gut Dysbiosis • Mood Swings • Low Libido • Yeast Overgrowth • Hair Loss • Persistent Acne • Accelerated Aging • MORE
Our body systems are slowly being poisoned.
So much so that cancer is quickly becoming the #1 cause of death in the world and will soon affect 1 out of 2 people.
It doesn't have to be this way.
These communications don't have to be a part of your story.
The time has come…
The time is NOW.
I’m ready to feel better!
Join me in taking charge of your health.
When you take charge of your health, YOU get to decide what is possible.
You can walk the path of not only living a longer life but a healthier and more vibrant one.
You effortlessly embrace nourishment, movement and cleansing in your lifestyle and have dramatic shifts of healing - every single year.
You experience momentum with your health goals - where your best becomes better.
You look in the mirror and see evidence of the love and nourishment you're giving your body.
You feel vibrant, energetic and clear-headed.
You’re confident in your daily choices knowing you’re plugged into the path of radical healing.
You have a community of women right there with you, supporting you and your healing journey.
The work we do inside of the Cleansing Circle is life-giving.
Here, we believe in all that Naturopathy has to offer us.
Your body is designed for health.
Your body has an innate ability to heal naturally.
It’s not your genetics that determines your level of health, it’s your epigenetics.
The root cause of all dis-ease is toxicity, nutritional deficiencies and emotional suppression.
There’s always something you can do!

Hi, I’m Dr. Tonya Holcomb. I’ve had the honor of leading the Cleansing Circle for the past seven years.
Toxins are without a doubt an issue for everyone. If you want to live a life free of dis-ease, cleansing is a must.
In the Cleansing Circle, you’ll learn just how simple it can be to embrace TRUE cleansing as part of your life. No matter what your story is, we have highly effective and SAFE cleansing options designed for everyone.
Join a circle of women for a group coaching experience that will have an immediate impact on your health.

With hundreds of testimonials, it’s safe to say we know how to take you through an extraordinary cleansing experience. You’ll learn how to support your body - easily - every step of the way. Plus, you’ll discover how to target toxins that are burdening your system. For instance, you’ll learn how to not only cleanse your colon and liver but also how to target parasites and environmental toxins.
All symptoms are directly related to your exposure to toxins AND the resiliency of your tissues. And these things antagonize each other when we are in a constant cycle of high exposure and low resiliency.
It’s time to learn the art of cleansing and make this a forever part of your lifestyle.
From heavy exposure to genetically modified foods, contaminated water, sugar, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, environmental toxins, soft and heavy metals, cancer-causing chemicals in our household cleaners, personal care products, food-like products, preservatives, electromagnetic radiation, industrial waste, synthetic materials everywhere, and on and on – it can feel like our health is being hijacked. Nutritional deficiencies and toxicity are at the root of all dis-ease. We don't live in a world where we can “get away” with NOT cleansing and NOT providing the body with intentional nourishment – AND expect to thrive.
Long-term exposure to toxins affects every body system we have. From the digestive system to the metabolism, to nervous and hormonal systems – EVERY system is affected by another system organ or tissue that is unable to function optimally. And this is because they are all designed to work together. This is what our bodies want to do! When they become overloaded with toxins and unhealthy foods, these systems don’t work as well as they should. A compromised system that does not have the support it needs is directly related to how well we can fight off pathogens and also makes us vulnerable to both acute and chronic dis-ease.
Our physical bodies need routine cleansing — at least one time a year — to dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in the body. Our livers, our kidneys and digestive system, our glands and our cells all need cleansing. We need cleansing to prevent sickness and to help us become well. And we need cleansing to help us better assimilate nutrients and minerals. Environmental toxins are responsible for many cancers, neurological diseases, heart disease, strokes... you name it. Our bodies do have a built-in detox function to deal with these dangers, but those systems are constantly overloaded! Cleansing assists and improves what our bodies are trying to do naturally.
If you want deeper healing, then you must be intentional about removing the obstacles. If you don’t address the parasites, heavy metals, environmental toxins, mold, bacteria, yeast, etc. they will ONLY continue to disrupt your body and leave you feeling worse. These things DO NOT go away on their own. Cleansing is the only way to truly address.
The path to deeper healing involves creating space for intentional cleansing and supporting your drainage pathways on a daily basis.
Can you imagine, a short time from now, you’ll not only feel confident with the cleansing process but also find yourself easily embracing daily drainage support like dry skin brushing, oil pulling, yoni steaming, coffee enemas, castor oil packs, vibration plates, movement, etc. This is what’s possible when you say YES to the Cleansing Circle. Your whole self-care practices effortlessly upgrades in big bold ways.
You’ll find that as you cleanse and care for your body, you’ll have more energy and desire to DO even more for your body. It’s an incredible domino effect. The more good stuff you do, the better you’ll feel and, in turn, the more you will WANT to do.
You are going to fall in love with the way you look, the way you feel, the way you move, the way you breathe. Because every aspect of the Cleansing Circle is meant as a love offering to your body.
Time and time again women who step into the Cleansing Circle experience these incredible results:
✓ The Cleansing Glow
✓ Weight loss - for those who desired it!
✓ Control of food cravings
✓ Happier hormones
✓ Lower inflammation
✓ Resolution of skin issues
✓ Improved digestion
✓ Improved energy and mood
✓ More adaptable to stress
✓ Feeling fully engaged in life
And so much more!
Every chronic dis-ease has a story… Every symptom has a beginning.
Ready to activate your YES and decide what your next chapter feels like?
Yes, I'm Ready!

Not sure if this is for you?
Do a quick check-in with your body. Here are some of the ways your body is telling you it is time to make a shift:
Feeling puffy, bloated and heavy
Dark bags under your eyes (a good indicator that the liver needs love)
Feeling easily fatigued
Disinterested in food
Feeling out of control
Being quick to overindulge in “nourishing” treats and alcohol
Turning to caffeine to “make it through” your day
Loss of interest in owning your workouts
Feeling emotionally drained
Brain fog
Loss of sex drive
Pain and swelling
Sugar addiction
Parasites and candida albicans overgrowth
Skin blemishes
Hormonal issues
Feeling angry all the time
Feeling disconnected from yourself
Or, perhaps you just know you’ve been neglecting your body’s needs for years and it’s time to create some space and give it permission to shed the layers that are no longer serving you.
Here’s a look at what this journey can look like for you:
Immediately after one cleanse:
- Feel in total control of your food cravings.
- Have way more energy and be full-blown committed to a workout regimen.
- Reduce swelling, inflammation and pain.
- Give your immune system the ultimate boost.
- Lose toxic pounds & bloating and feel so much lighter.
- Alleviate your allergies.
- Balance your body’s pH.
- Open your drainage pathways - loving on your lymphatic system, liver and kidneys.
- Flush your colon of old waste and possible parasites.
- Immensely improve your skin — be sure to snap before-and-after pictures to capture the incredible decrease in inflammation and increased glow!
- Offer room for balance when it comes to your cycle and your hormones.
- Accelerate your healing.
- Rejuvenate your health in epic ways.
When you say YES to the Cleansing Circle here's what you get:
✓ 1-Year Access to the Cleansing Circle Course Portal
You’ll feel completely set up for success as you dive through these modules. The lessons will guide you on your healing journey and help you make sense of your root cause(s) and current story. You'll finally understand WHAT your body has been trying to tell you AND what to do about it.
✓ 1-Year Inside Our Private Facebook Community
One year inside our private Facebook group where you can be a part of the live experience, have accountability, ask all your questions, get support/feedback, share your wins and be constantly inspired by what’s possible when you apply the laws of healing. This community is SO high vibe and uplifting, it goes beyond what I can put into words!
✓ Six cleansing options designed to meet YOU exactly where you are at on your journey, including:
- Supplement guides and protocols to take your cleanse to the next level
- Personalized cleansing guidance JUST for you, completed with a comprehensive health history questionnaire
- Plus, a cleansing pathway designed for breastfeeding mamas
✓ A Naturopathically Curated Shop + Exclusive Coupon Codes
Access my personally curated online shop, full of all the tried and true remedies I use in naturopathic programs for myself, my family and my clients. Cleansing Circle members get exclusive access to sales and coupon codes all year long!
✓ Step-by-step guides, protocols and instructions to:
- Supercharge your body’s built-in detoxification systems
- Understand the biggest toxins you’re up against
- Learn with workbooks and copies of lesson notes to accompany each module
- Easily incorporate castor oil packs, yoni steams, coffee enemas, dry skin brushing, oil pulling, salt baths, vibration plates, cell receptor cleansing and more
✓ You'll be guided to the exact cleanse for your body, right now, in this layer of health and healing. Yes, you'll get access to customized cleanse suggestions!
✓ Self-assessment forms to help you track your success and target next steps
✓ Massive mindset shifts + ongoing support from Dr. Tonya and Team Tonya
✓ Endless possibilities for massive health wins and results!

You have one body to call home.
I can’t think of anything more important to devote your time and attention to.
Hello! I'm Dr. Tonya Holcomb!
I’m a Naturopathic Doctor, a bioenergetic practitioner, an Emotion Code Practitioner and the founder of Fiercely Empowered Mama, FEMbabes, the Cleansing Circle and the Host of the Fiercely Awakening podcast.
My mission is to connect you to naturopathy and the fundamental laws of natural living and healing. Naturopathy takes into consideration the whole person, addresses the root cause with a non-invasive approach using natural modalities and most importantly recognizes your body’s inherent processes of healing.

What's it like to be in my world:

This Coaching Experience is for you if you’re…
- A woman age 18+ years.
- Ready to activate your YES knowing what’s possible for your health.
- Willing to be curious about your body’s symptoms.
- Ready to find the root cause(s) of your story.
- Willing to face whatever this work brings to the surface physically, emotionally or spiritually.
- Willing to ask for support.
- Ready to be on the path that gives you FREEDOM on how good you can feel.
- Ready and excited to have momentum in your health - once and for all.
- Ready for INCREDIBLE results!